
Law Firm of the Year®
2024 results are published

About Law Firm of the Year

What is Law Firm of the Year?

Law Firm of the Year is an annual industry and client study. The study is carried out between September and January. Clients of business law firms are given the opportunity to evaluate the client-lawyer relationship. Law Firm of the Year 2024 study closed on 21.1.2024. Results were announced in Sweden 6.2.2024 and in Finland 22.2.2024.

About the study

There are three main areas in the study. Image Watch – deals with the perception of the law firm and its brand, as rated by the industry (not only the clients of a law firm). The Industry study – this part provides trends in the market for buyers of business law services. The Client study – the largest part of the study, provides the clients’ views on their relationship and co-operation with their law firm.

The study

The results of the study are used by law firms in their business development, marketing, and communication. The Regi Report provides valuable insights and findings regarding the client-law firm relationship, tools for management, brand image, and for internal business development.

Based on the results, the “Law Firm of the Year” in each category is awarded – this is the law firms with the highest average score of the Client Satisfaction Index (13 criteria).